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Lead pollution, even at very low levels, affects bee learning

Environmental pollutants have many deleterious effects on biodiversity, even at very low doses. Heavy metals are no exception. In this study published in the journal Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, scientists exposed honey bee hives to low doses of lead found in the environment, and demonstrated their impacts on the morphological development of workers and their learning and memory capacities.
Mathieu Lihoreau

Congratulations to Mathieu LIHOREAU, winner of an ERC Consolidator !

Mathieu Lihoreau, CNRS Researcher from the Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition Animale (CRCA UMR5169) of the Centre de Biologie Intégrative de Toulouse (CBI), is the winner of an ERC Consolidator for his project BEE-MOVE : How do bees move across the landscape and fashion plant reproduction ? within the CRCA-CBI.
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