Antoine WYSTRACH, Bronze Medal of the CNRS !

12 March 2021 par webmaster
Antoine WYSTRACH, researcher at CRCA-CBI is the 2021 winner of the CNRS Bronze Medal. This medal rewards the first work of a promising researcher in his or her field.
Photo d'Antoine Wystrach

Antoine Wystrach is a passionate researcher, biologist by training, in love with neurosciences and evolutionary biology.

He completed his PhD at CRCA, studying ant navigation in the field. After a few years in the United Kingdom modeling the brain and behavior of insects during his post-doctorate, he joined the CRCA as a CNRS researcher.

Today, he studies ant navigation both in the lab and in the field using sophisticated tools such as virtual reality, 3D environments and neural network models...
Antoine's projects are currently supported by an ERC grant.

Congratulations Antoine !

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