Guy Theraulaz
- Bio-inspired 3D flocking algorithm with minimal information transfer for drones swarms.
Verdoucq, M., Sire, C., Escobedo, R., Theraulaz, G. & Hattenberger, G.
In : IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Detroit, USA (2023)
- Bio-inspired control for collective motion in swarms of drones.
Verdoucq, M., Theraulaz, G., Escobedo, R., Sire, C. & Hattenberger, G.
In : Proceedings of the International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft System (ICUAS'22), Dubrovnik, Croatia, Page1626-1631. IEEE. Piscataway, NJ (2022)
- Formation of efficient transportation networks in the Argentine ant.
Garnier, S., Neiman, D., Ray, S., Perna, A., Theraulaz, G. & Couzin, I.
In : Nickerson, J. & Malone, T., Eds. Proceedings of the 17th Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), pp. 29, Cairns, Australia (2014)
- Collective response to perturbations in a data-driven fish school model.
Calovi, D.S., Lopez, U., Schuhmacher, P., Sire, C., Chaté, H. & Theraulaz, G.
In : Nickerson, J. & Malone, T., Eds. Proceedings of the Collective Intelligence Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pp. 1-4, Boston, USA (2014)
- Phase transitions in a data-driven fish school model
Schardosim Calovi, D., Lopez, U., Ngo, S., Chaté, H. & Theraulaz, G.
In : Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems, Barcelona, pp. 167 (2013)
- Human-Friendly Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments
Guzzi, J., Giusti, A., Gambardella, L., Theraulaz, G., & Di Caro, G.A.
In : 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, , pp. 423-430. Karlsruhe, Germany, May 6-10 (2013)
- A computational model of ant nest morphogenesis
Khuong, A., Theraulaz, G., Jost, C., Perna, A. & Gautrais, J.
In : Lenaerts, T., Giacobini, M., Bersini, H., Bourgine, P., Dorigo, M. & Doursat, R., pp. 404-411. Advances in Artificial Life, ECAL 2011, Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, Paris, August 9-12, 2011.
- An individual-based model of collective attention
Moussaïd, M., Helbing, D. and Theraulaz, G. 2009.
In : Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems, pp. 66. University of Warwick, 21-25 Septembre 2009, Warwick, UK (2009)
- Topological properties of layered spatial networks built by termites
Perna, A., Douady, S., Pintilei, D., Theraulaz, G., Valverde, S., Picarougne, F. and Kuntz, P.
In : Proceedings of the Workshop Net-Works 2008. 9-11 Juin 2008, Pamplona, Spain (2008)
- Alice in pheromone land : An experimental setup for the study of ant-like robots
Garnier, S., Tâche, F., Combe, M., Grimal, A. and Theraulaz, G.
In : Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, SIS 2007, pp. 37-44 (2007)
- Aggregation behaviour as a source of collective decision in a group of cockroach-like robots.
Garnier, S., Jost, C., Jeanson, R., Gautrais, J., Asadpour, M., Caprari, G. and Theraulaz, G.
In : Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Artificial Life. Berlin : Springer Verlag (2005)
- Collective decision-making by a group of cockroach-like robots
Garnier, S., Jost, C., Jeanson, R., Gautrais, J., Asadpour, M., Caprari, G. and Theraulaz, G.
In : Arabshahi, P. and Martinoli, A., Eds. IEEE International Symposium on Swarm Intelligence, pp. 233-240, 8-10 Juin, 2005, Pasadena, USA (2005)
- The embodiment of cockroach behaviour in a micro-robot
Jost, C., Garnier, S., Jeanson, R., Asadpour, M., Gautrais, J. and Theraulaz, G.
In : Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on Robotics. 23-26 Mars 2004, Paris (2004)
- Simple rules of growth can account for the complexity of tunnelling networks in the ant Messor sancta
Buhl, J., Gautrais, J., Deneubourg, J.L., Kuntz, P., and Theraulaz, G.
In : Anderson, C. and Balch T. Edits. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on the Mathematics and Algorithms of Social Insects, pp. 33-40, 15-17 Décembre 2003, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (2003)
- Self-organized Networks of Galleries in the Ant Messor sancta
Buhl, J., Deneubourg, J.L. and Theraulaz, G.
In : Hemelrijk, C.K. Ed. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Self-Organization and Evolution of Social behaviour, pp. 45-57. Centro Stefano Franscini, Swiss federal Institute of Technology (2002)
- Self-organized aggregation in cockroaches : sensitivity to model structure
Jost, C., Jeanson, R., Deneubourg, J.L., Rivault C. and Theraulaz, G.
In : Hemelrijk, C.K. Ed. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Self-Organization and Evolution of Social behaviour, pp. 237-246. Centro Stefano Franscini, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (2002)
- Morphogenèse des réseaux de galeries chez la fourmi Messor sancta
Buhl, J., Deneubourg , J.L., Grimal, A. and Theraulaz, G.
In : Actes Coll. Ins. Soc., 14 : 51-55 (2001)
- Dynamique d’agrégation chez Blattella germanica (L.)
Jeanson, R., Rivault, C., Deneubourg, J.L. and Theraulaz, G.
In : Actes Coll. Ins. Soc., 14 : 57-60 (2001)
- Turing-like structures in ant colonies
Theraulaz, G., Bonabeau, E., Fourcassié, V., Nicolis, S., Solé, R.V., Blanco, S., Fournier, R., Grimal, A. and Deneubourg, J.L.
In : Proceedings of the 2001 Meeting of the European Sections of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, p. 100, 25-29 Septembre 2001, Berlin, Germany (2001)
- Morphogenesis of galeries networks in the ant Messor sancta
Buhl, J., Deneubourg, J.L., Grimal, A. and Theraulaz, G.
In : Proceedings of the 2001 Meeting of the European Sections of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, p. 22, 25-29 Septembre 2001, Berlin, Germany (2001)
- Self-organized aggregation in cockroaches
Jeanson, R., Rivault, C., Richard, J.-P., Deneubourg, J.-L. and Theraulaz, G.
In : Apfelbach R., Fendt M., Krämer S. and Siemers B.M. Edits. Advances in Ethology, Vol. 36, p. 26. Contributions to the XXVII International Ethological Conference, 22-29 Août 2001, Tübingen, Germany (2001)
- Turing-like structures in ant colonies
Theraulaz, G., Bonabeau, E., Fourcassié, V., Nicolis, S., Solé, R.V., Blanco, S., Fournier, R., Grimal, A. and Deneubourg, J.L.
In : Apfelbach R., Fendt M., Krämer S. and Siemers B.M. Edits. Advances in Ethology, Vol. 36, Contributions to the XXVII International Ethological Conference, 22-29 Août 2001, Tübingen, Germany (2001)
- How informations acquired by individuals affect collective-decision making in ants ? Jeanson, R., Deneubourg, J.L., Grimal, A. and Theraulaz, G.
In : Apfelbach R., Fendt M., Krämer S. and Siemers B.M. Edits. Advances in Ethology, Vol. 36, p. 65. Contributions to the XXVII International Ethological Conference, 22-29 Août 2001, Tübingen, Germany (2001)
- Auto-organisation et reconnaissance coloniale : le modèle de l’agrégation de la blatte
Rivault, C., Theraulaz, G., Deneubourg, J.L., Cloarec, A.
In : Actes Coll. Ins. Soc., 12 : 11-18 (1999)
- Modèle de division du travail basé sur des seuils de réponse chez une fourmi ponérine.
Schatz, B., Bonabeau, E., Theraulaz, G. and Deneubourg, J.L.
In : Actes Coll. Ins. Soc., 12 : 19-22 (1999)
- Influence du nombre d’individus sur les caracétristiques des déplacements lors de l’exploration de l’espace chez la fourmi Messor sancta
Bredard, C., Lucas, R., Le Calvez, M., Fourcassié, V., Guerin, S. and Theraulaz, G.
In : Actes Coll. Ins. Soc., 12 : 87-91 (1999)
- A simple model of how tasks can be performed consecutively in social insects
Schatz, B., Bonabeau, E., Theraulaz, G. and Deneubourg, J.L.
In : Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spatial Heterogeneity and Temporal Complexity in Biological Systems, University of Bath (1998)
- The design of complex architectures by simple agents
Bonabeau, E., Theraulaz, G. and Cogne, F.
In : Proceedings of the International Symposium on System Life, JSME Centenial Grand Congress, 21-22 Juillet 1997, Tokyo, Japon (1997)
- Dynamique de formation des grappes et des chaînes chez la fourmi d’Argentine Linepithema humile (= Iridomyrmex humilis)
Theraulaz, G., Lioni, A., Libert, F., Bonabeau, E. and Deneubourg, J.L.
In : Actes Coll. Ins. Soc., 10 : 175-178 (1996)
- Essaims sur réseau et modélisation des processus de construction collective chez les insectes sociaux
Theraulaz, G. and Bonabeau, E.
In : Actes des Journées de Rochebrune, Organisation et Evolution, Hasard et contraintes dans l’évolution des formes collectives, Rochebrune (Haute-Savoie), 20-24 Mars 1995, pp. 165-177. ENST 95 S 001 (1995)
- The Building Behavior of Lattice Swarms
Bonabeau, E., Theraulaz, G., Arpin, E. and Sardet, E.
In : Brooks R. and Maes P., Edits. Artificial Life IV, Proceedings of the Fourth Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, pp. 307-312. MIT Press/Bradford Books, Cambridge, MA (1994)
- The self-organization of hierarchical structure in the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes dominulus (Christ)
Theraulaz, G., Bonabeau, E. and Deneubourg, J.L.
In : Lenoir, A., Arnold, G. and Lepage, M. (Edits.), Les Insectes Sociaux, Proceedings of the XII Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, p. 244, 21-27 Août 1994, Paris-Sorbonne (1994)
- Nest space structuration coupled with individual learning produce age polyethism in ant colonies
Theraulaz, G., Patinel, J., Bonabeau, E. and Deneubourg, J.L.
In : Lenoir, A., Arnold, G. and Lepage, M. (Edits.), Les Insectes Sociaux, Proceedings of the XII Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, p. 237, 21-27 Août 1994, Paris-Sorbonne (1994)
- The Self-Organization of Dominance Order in Polistes Wasp Colonies
Theraulaz, G., Bonabeau, E. and Deneubourg, J.L.
In : Proceedings of the XXIII International Ethological Conference, p. 44. 1-9 Septembre 1993, Torremolinos, Spain (1993)
- Principes fonctionnels de l’Intelligence en essaim et modèles de computation collective chez les insectes sociaux
Theraulaz, G. and Gervet, J.
In : Proceedings of the Second European Congress on Systems Science, vol. III, pp. 880-889. 3-10 Octobre 1993, Prague, Czech Republic (1993)
- La reconnaissance individuelle et sa place dans le règlage de la dominance sociale chez la guêpe Poliste
Gervet, J., Blanc, L., Pratte, M. and Theraulaz, G.
In : Actes du 25ème colloque annuel de la Société Française pour l’Etude du Comportement Animal, L’information, Rennes, 7-9 Avril 1993, pp. 87-91 (1993)
- Swarm-Made Architectures
Deneubourg, J.L., Theraulaz, G. and Beckers, R.
In : Varela F.J. and Bourgine P., Edits. Toward a Practice of Autonomous Systems, Proceedings of The First European Conference on Artificial Life, pp. 123-133. MIT Press/Bradford Books (1992)
- La sélection d’affinité dans la socialité des Guêpes Polistes (Hym. Vesp.)
Gervet, J. and Theraulaz, G. 1992
In : Mém. Soc. r. belge Ent., 35 : 569-574 (1992)
- On Formal Constraints in Swarm Dynamics
Theraulaz, G. and Deneubourg, J.L. 1992.
In : Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Glasgow, Scotland, pp. 225-233. IEEE Computer Society Press (1992)
- Self-organization of behavioural profiles and task assignment based on local individual rules in eusocial wasp Polistes dominulus Christ
Theraulaz, G., Goss, S., Gervet, J. and Deneubourg, J.L. 1990.
In : Veeresh G.K., Mallik B. and Viraktamath C.A. Edits., Social Insects and the Environment, Proceedings of the symposium Models and Theoretical Approaches to the Study of Social Insects, pp. 535-537. 11th International Congress of IUSSI, Bangalore, India. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New-Delhi.
- Swarm Intelligence in Wasps Colonies : an exemple of task assignment in multi-agents systems
Theraulaz, G., Goss, S., Gervet, J. and Deneubourg, J.L.
In : Meystel A., Herath J. and Gray S., Edits. Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Philadelphia, PA., IEEE Computer Society Press (1990)
- Régulation des activités de récolte et différenciation des profils comportementaux chez la guêpe eusociale Polistes dominulus (Christ)
Theraulaz, G., Gervet J. and Pratte M.
In : Actes Coll. Ins. Soc., 6 : 75-82 (1990)
- L’auto-organisation des comportements et la différenciation des tâches dans les colonies de guêpes polistes : un modèle de spécification locale pour l’organisation de groupes d’automates
Theraulaz, G., Gervet, J., Deneubourg, J.L. and Goss, S.
In : Blayo F., Cottrell M., Franceschini N., Jutten C. and Tiberghien G. Edits. NSI 90, pp. 121-123. EPFL Lausanne and INPG Grenoble (1990)
- Reorganization of behavioural profiles in Polistes dominulus Christ wasp societies
Theraulaz, G., Pratte, M. and Gervet, J.
In : Proceedings of the 21st International Ethological Conference, p. 162. Août 1989, Utrecht, Netherlands (1989)
- Effects of removal of individuals from a Polistes dominulus Christ wasp society : changes in behavioural patterns resulting from hierarchical changes
Theraulaz, G., Pratte, M. and Gervet, J.
In : Actes Coll. Ins. Soc., 5 : 169-179 (1989)
- Pour une analyse systémique des sociétés d’insectes. Application à l’assignation des tâches dans le guêpier de Polistes gallicus L.
Gervet, J., Theraulaz, G. and Pratte, M.
In : Bull. SFECA, 2 : 101-112 (1987)
- Effet de l’environnement social sur l’espérance de vie à l’émergence des jeunes imagos de Polistes.
Theraulaz, G., Gervet, J. and Pratte, M.
In : Bull. SFECA, 1 : 191-196 (1987)