Guy Theraulaz
- Arnaud Lioni
- PhD 2000 (co-supervised by J.L. Deneubourg)
- Current Position: Consultant in the area of alternative medecines, Brussels Area, Belgium
- Dissertation Title: Auto-assemblage et transport collectif chez la fourmi Oecophylla longinoda (Self-assembling and collective transport in the weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda)
- Carl Anderson
- Postdoctoral Researcher 2001
- Research Interests: Insect societies as complex adaptive systems, Models of division of labor, Self-organization and complexity, Task partitioning, Swarm Intelligence, Nature-inspired solutions for business and industry
- Current Position: Associate Senior Scientist, Archimedes, Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA
- Raphaël Jeanson
- PhD 2003 (co-supervised by J.L. Deneubourg)
- Current Position: Research Director at CNRS, Deputy director of the Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition Animale, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
- Dissertation Title: Processus d’agrégation et de décisions collectives chez les insectes sociaux (Aggregation processes and collective decision making in social insects)
- Jacques Gautrais
- Postdoctoral Researcher 2002-2007 (ANR MESOMORPH)
- Current Position: Research associate at CNRS, Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition Animale, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
- Research Interests: Self-organization in animal societies (ant colonies, fish schools, Collective motion, morphogenesis
- Jérôme Buhl
- PhD 2004
- Current Position: Post-doctoral researcher, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Sydney, Australia
- Dissertation Title: Etude expérimentale et modélisation de la morphogenèse des réseaux de galeries chez la fourmi Messor sancta (Experimental and theoretical investigation of the morphogenesis of underground galleries networks in the ant Messor sancta)
- Jérôme Buhl webpage
- Mélanie Challet
- PhD 2005 (co-supervised by C. Jost)
- Current Position: Professor of biology, College of Agriculture, Nantes
- Dissertation Title: Influence de la température et des courants d’air sur la morphogenèse des cimetières chez la fourmi Messor sancta (Influence of temperature and air currents on corpse clustering patterns in the ant Messor sancta)
- Andréa Perna
- Postdoctoral Researcher 2006-2008
- Research Interests: Pattern formation in biological systems, Form and morphogenesis of termite nests, Topology of spider mites silk networks, spatial interactions and collective decision-making in animal groups
- Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Institut des Systemes Complexes Paris Île-de-France (ISC-PIF), Paris, France
- Andréa Perna webpage
- Simon Garnier
- PhD 2008
- Current Position: Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, USA
- Dissertation Title: Décisions collectives dans des systèmes d’intelligence en essaim (Collective decision-making in swarm intelligent systems)
- Simon Garnier webpage
- Sébastien Motsch
- PhD 2009 (co-supervised by P. Degond)
- Current Position: Post-doctoral researcher, Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
- Dissertation Title: Modélisation mathématique des déplacements d’animaux et dérivation de modèles macroscopiques (Mathematical modeling of animal displacements and derivation of macroscopic models)
- Sergi Valverde
- Postdoctoral Researcher 2007-2009
- Research Interests: Dynamics and evolution of networks, Origins of Innovation, Self-Organization in Distributed Systems, Computation, Network Layout and Visualization
- Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Complex Systems Lab (ICREA-UPF), Barcelona, Spain
- Sergi Valverde webpage
- Mehdi Moussaïd
- PhD 2010 (co-supervised by D. Helbing)
- Current Position: Post-doctoral researcher, Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition, Max-Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany
- Dissertation Title: Etude expérimentale et modélisation des déplacements collectifs de piétons (The collective dynamics of human crowd motion: Where
- physics meets cognitive science)
- Mehdi Moussaïd webpage
- Niriaska Perozo
- PhD 2011 (co-supervised by R. Aguilar)
- Current Position: Professor of Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology of Central Western University "Lisandro Alvarado", Barquisimeto, Venezuela
- Dissertation Title: Modélisation multi-agent pour systèmes émergent et auto-organisés (Multi-agent modelling for emergent and self-organized systems)
- Sébastian Weitz
- PhD 2012 (co-supervised by R. Fournier)
- Current Position: Post-doctoral researcher, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, IRSAMC, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
- Dissertation Title: Modélisation de marches aléatoires diffuses et thigmotactiques en milieu hétérogène à partir d’observations individuelles: Application à l’agrégation et à la construction dans les sociétés d’insectes.
- Ugo Lopez
- PhD 2015 (co-supervised by R. Fournier)
- Current Position: Research engineer at Athos Aeronautics, Toulouse
- Dissertation Title: Etude expérimentale et modélisation des déplacements collectifs chez deux espèces de poissons, Khulia mugil et Hemigrammus rhodostomus (Experimental study and modeling of collective movements in two species of fish, Khulia mugil and Hemigrammus rhodostomus)
- Li Jiang
- PhD 2015 (co-supervised by Z. Han)
- Current Position: Research engineer and data analyst at BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd, Pékin, Chine
- Dissertation Title: Mechanisms and roles of information processing in collective motion
- Valentin Lecheval
- PhD 2017 (co-supervised by C. Hemelrijk)
- Current Position: Post-doc researcher at the University of Leeds, UK
- Dissertation Title: Experimental analysis and modelling of the behavioural interactions underlying the coordination of collective motion and the propagation of information in fish schools
- Bertrand Jayles
- PhD 2017 (co-supervised by C. Sire)
- Current Position: Senior Data Scientist, EDHEC Business School, Paris
- Dissertation Title: Impact of social and environmental information on collective intelligence in human groups
- Daniel S. Calovi
- Postdoctoral Researcher 2013-2015
- Current Position: Post-doc researcher at the Center for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour, Konstanz, Germany
- Research Interests: Collective motion in fish schools, Termite nests morphogenesis
- Liu Lei
- Postdoctoral Researcher 2017-2018 (Project SMARTMASS, Marie-Curie Grant; ANR VR_FISHSCHOOL)
- Current Position: Lecturer University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
- Research Interests: Collective motion in fish schools, Bio-inspired algorithms, Swarm robotics
- Ramon Escobedo
- Postdoctoral Researcher 2015-2023
- Current Position: Post-doc researcher at the Computer Science Research Institute of Toulouse
- Research Interests: Collective motion in fish schools, Computational and mathematical modeling of collective behavior and collective intelligence in animal and human groups, Computational analysis of complex systems
- Renaud Bastien
- Postdoctoral Researcher 2021-2022 (ANR VR_FISHSCHOOL)
- Current Position: Research associate at CNRS, Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition Animale, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
- Research Interests: Virtual reality systems, Collective motion animal and human groups.