Diversity of “decision-making” in the blob

19 February 2019 par webmaster
Audrey Dussutour and researchers from the Uppsala university (Sweden) demonstrated that even among unicellulars, there is a wide variety of behaviour in the ability to make good decisions.

When it comes to choice, taking time to evaluate the different options exposes you to competition, while responding quickly leads to mistakes.

In an article published in Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, Audrey Dussutour (CRCA-CBI Toulouse) and researchers from the Uppsala university (Sweden) demonstrated that even among unicellulars, there is a wide variety of behaviour in the ability to make good decisions.

Read more on the INSB-CNRS website (in french)


Phenotypic variability predicts decision accuracy in unicellular organisms.
Dussutour A, Ma Q, Sumpter D.
Proc. Biol. Sci. B 2019 Feb 13. DOI : doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2018.2825

Researcher contact

Audrey DUSSUTOUR, Tél. +33 5 61 55 64 41 ou +33 6 51 02 92 75