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Social intolerance is a consequence, not a cause, of dispersal in spiders

Spiders start out social but later turn aggressive after dispersing and becoming solitary, according to a study publishing July 2 in the open-access journal PLOS Biology by Raphael Jeanson (CRCA-CBI Toulouse) of the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France, and colleagues.

Bees and absolute numbers

Honeybees are well-known for their remarkable cognitive abilities. They rely on their learning capacities to better identify the most profitable flowers. Beyond classical associative learning faculties, the bees were shown to possess an unexpected sense for number. As an example, they can sort numbers in a linear scale including a concept of zero as the lowest quantity.

Slime mould absorbs substances to memorise them

In 2016, CNRS scientists demonstrated that the slime mould Physarum polycephalum, a single-cell organism without a nervous system, could learn to no longer fear a harmless but aversive substance and could transmit this knowledge to a fellow slime mould. In a new study, a team from CNRS and the Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier has shown what might support this memory and in fact it could be the aversive substance itself! These results were published in a special issue of the Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society B on 22 April 2019.
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