Visit of Jean-Claude Ameisen

14 November 2019 par webmaster
The CRCA received Jean-Claude Ameisen, renowned french researcher and who gives the radio show, "Sur les épaules de Darwin" broadcasted on France Inter.
Jean-Claude Ameisen
Jean-Claude Ameisen – © GARO / PHANIE – AFP

The CRCA received Jean-Claude Ameisen, accompanied by his wife Fabienne and Gérard Bapt (physician, former deputy of Haute-Garonne). The researchers of the laboratory presented their research and work in progress. This day was full of exchanges and discussions!

Jean-Claude Ameisen is a french physician, immunologist and researcher in biology.  He chaired the National Ethics Committee. He is Director of the Centre d’Études du Vivant of the Institut des Humanités de Paris of Paris-Diderot University. Every saturday, he gives a radio show, “Sur les épaules de Darwin” broadcasted on France Inter.

Gérard Bapt, Jean-Claude Ameisen and Raphaël Jeanson © Photo : C. Rampon
Cédrick Florian and Jean-Claude Ameisen © Photo : C. Rampon
Mathieu Lihoreau, Jean-Claude Ameisen and Stéphane Kraus © Photo : C. Rampon